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VIDEO: How to Set a Sale to a Product or Service on Your Store

Learn How to Easily Set a Sale to a Product or Service on Your Store on the Wellbeing Umbrella Platform!

Got a product or service listing you’d like to schedule a sale on? This video walks you through how to achieve this. Use the timestamps below to jump to a part most relevant to you.

0:00 – How to access listings

0:35 – How to schedule a sale price on a listing

1:40 – How a sale displays on a listing for a customer and how they can search for a sale

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VIDEO: How to Add a Video to Your Listing

Learn How to Easily Add a Video to Your Listing on the Wellbeing Umbrella Platform!

Want to virtually display a product, show people around your therapy room or explain how a service works? Using video on your listing is a great way to do that. This helpful video walks you through how to achieve just this. Use the timestamps below to jump to a part most relevant to you.

0:00 – Introduction

0:30 – How to access listings

1:00 – How a listing looks before adding an offsite video

1:40 – How to add an offsite video to your listing

2:50 – How a video on your listing looks to customers

3:00 – The benefits of videos on your listings

3:50 – Content standards and length

Please make sure your video is in accordance with our Content standards found on our Acceptable Use Policy – HERE

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VIDEO: How to Add Videos to Your Articles (Blog)

Learn How to Easily Add Videos to Your Articles (Blogs) on the Wellbeing Umbrella platform!

Want to add a video to your article/blog or prefer to vlog rather that write? This video walks you through how to quickly add an offsite video to your article/blog. Use the timestamps below to jump to a part most relevant to you.

0:00 – The benefits of blogging

0:40 – How to access your article/blogs

1:10 – How short description works

1:50 – Article/Blog Focus Keywords

3:20 – Where your article/blog can be found by customers on the Wellbeing Umbrella

5:10 – How to add an offsite video to your article/blog

Please make sure your video is in accordance with our Content standards found on our Acceptable Use Policy HERE.

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VIDEO: How to Add Audio Samples to Your Listing

Learn How to Add Audio Samples to Your Listing in Wellbeing Umbrella!

Are you selling something that involves audio on the site, such as a guided meditation or sound healing music and want to add an audio sample to your listing? This video walks you through how to achieve this. Use the timestamps below to jump to a part most relevant to you.

0:00 Introduction

0:26 How to access your listings

0:42 How to add an audio sample to a listing

2:46 The benefits of using audio samples on your listing

3:22 How it looks and plays to customers

3:35 Suggested length of an audio sample

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VIDEO: How and Where Customers Can Leave You a Store Review

Learn How and Where Customers Can Leave You a Store Review – Wellbeing Umbrella!

This video tutorial walks you through how customer can view and provide your store with a review. Plus how you approve store reviews to your store front. Use the timestamps below to jump to a section most relevant to you.

0:00 Where store review ratings are visible on your store front

0:30 How customers can view and access the store review tab

2:00 How customers can leave you a store review

2:55 How to access and approve your store reviews

***Please note store reviews are different to listing reviews, which are carried automatically and approved by Wellbeing Umbrella

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VIDEO: How to Use the SEO Tab on Store Listings

Learn How to Easily Use the SEO Tab on Wellbeing Umbrella

Want to improve the SEO and visibility of your listings? Want to get found off the Wellbeing Umbrella site too? This video walks you through how to achieve this. Use the timestamps below to jump to a part most relevant to you.

0:00 introduction

1:10 The benefits of checking out Claire Taylor’s mini SEO Training video

2:00 How to complete the primary/focus keyword section

2:56 How to complete the meta description

4:00 Where a meta description is visible on the internet

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