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VIDEO: How to Create a Listing

Learn How to Create an External Affiliate or Internal Listing on Your Wellbeing Umbrella Store

Learn how to create a listing that directs people to your desired website using a URL link or to contact you via your Wellbeing Umbrella Store. Use the timestamps below to jump to a part most relevant to you.

0:00 – Introduction and how to add a new listing

00:46 – How to select an external affiliate link listing type

01:02 – How to complete information for an external affiliate link listing

02:00 – Customer view of listing with button directing to an external link (chosen website)

02:41 – Customer view of listing with ‘Send Message’ button (customers contact you via your Wellbeing Umbrella Store)

02:45 – How to create a listing for customers to contact you via your Wellbeing Umbrella Store only

03:12 – How to set price and/or schedule a sale price

04:00 – How set your listing categories

Thank you For Watching!

Other sections on the listing page you may wish to use; 

Beginner’s Guide to Selling on the Wellbeing Umbrella Platform

Wellbeing Umbrella Overview 

The Wellbeing Umbrella platform connects people looking for wellbeing solutions and treatments to independent wellness providers within the U.K. who truly care.  

Everything listed, whether goods or services on the Wellbeing platform promotes either physical, mental and/or social wellbeing. 
All listings on the Wellbeing Umbrella Platform must comply with section 6 (What Can and Cannot be Advertised on Our Platform). If you’re new to our Wellbeing Umbrella, you may wish to review our Terms For Sellers to ensure your store and listings follow the agreement.

Register & Open A Store On Wellbeing Umbrella  

Before you can begin promote on the Wellbeing Umbrella platform you will need to create a store account. Either log in to your customer account and click the ‘join our wellbeing Platform’ sign up button on your dashboard or apply for a Wellbeing Umbrella Store account from our Join Us page.  

You will need the following information to hand to create your account; 

  • An idea of what you’d like your Username to be, (once your Username is chosen, it cannot be changed)  

  • An idea of what you’d like your Store Name to be, as your unique URL will be created from it. You can change your Store name at any time; however, your URL cannot be changed.  

  • Access to an email – a verification code will be sent to the email address you provide 

Please Note: access to your Seller’s store account is not given until your registration details have been verified by Wellbeing Umbrella (approx. 24-48 hrs.). 

Complete Store Set Up 

After you have successfully registered to our Wellbeing Umbrella platform, you’ll be sent an automated welcome email straight to your inbox, confirming that we have approved your registration details. Your welcome email will include a link that takes you through the set-up process (courtesy of a set-up Wizard) and then to your store dashboard. 

Upon log in, you’ll be guided through six important stages of the store set-up. You can skip and complete these parts without the wizard later, if you would prefer.  

1, Store – This stage is where you can confirm/change store name, email and phone number. Upload store logo, banner and mobile banner and complete store description and store visibility.  

2. Customer Support – This stage is where you share the different ways you are happy for a customer to contact you. Please note this information will be visible to customers.  

3. Social – This stage is where you can share Social Media links to all your favourite platforms. Social media platforms include: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Snapchat, Pinterest.  

4. Now Your Ready– This is the final stage and the Wizard set up will take you to your store Dashboard. 

Complete Your Profile 

  • Bio image (Avatar) – this accompanies your author bio on any articles you write for your store or as guest blogger for Wellbeing Umbrella. Your bio/avatar gives you the opportunity to be personal and share a photo of yourself, helping audiences and shoppers better connect with you. Recommended requirements (150 x 150) pixels.

  • Author Bio – your author bio information sits proudly at the bottom of any articles you publish either on your own store or as a guest blogger on our site. It’s your opportunity to tell people what you do, why you do it and what they’ll find if they visit your store. 500 max. Characters limit. 
  • About Gallery – Upload photos to help give customers a glimpse of your business or brand – be it a photo of you, your therapy room or products! Recommended requirements (800 x 600) pixels. 

Add Listings To Your Store 

Yay, the exciting part! You’ve set up your store, now it’s time to add your store listings. Listings are the products or services that you sell. Learn how to add listings to your store.

Marketing, Visibility and Promotion  

Tips for promoting/marketing yourself: 

  • Make sure you’re optimising your store and listings through Wellbeing Umbrella Platform search and filters. Be sure to complete your About information such as ‘who you serve’ and ‘how you serve’ within your profile manager and add relevant location information, wellbeing categories and listings types to your listings. 

  • Consider attracting new audiences and enhancing your professional brand with your own articles or linked videos on your store.

  • Reach new audiences by exploring guest blogging opportunities with other wellbeing providers – you have a similar client pool remember! 

Image Use, Requirements & Standards (including recommended size)

Applies to: 
Listing published on the Wellbeing Umbrella Platform.

Image Use and Permissions

An image speaks a thousand words, so a good photo/image is essential to the overall success of your Wellbeing Umbrella store and listings. It’s important that your products and services are presented clearly, and that the images used encourage potential customers to find out more.

Generally, listing images uploaded onto our Wellbeing Umbrella Platform must be of the product item itself, appointment/service, or event (including therapy space and venue) and must not be a stock image. In certain circumstances, exceptions to using a stock image may be made to accommodate certain appointment/services where an original image is not possible.

When uploading images to our Wellbeing Umbrella Platform, including stock images, as they are protected by copyright law, you confirm that you have all necessary rights, full permission, and licenses to use the images uploaded and are complying with our  Terms For Store Users and Acceptable use policy.

Recommended Image Specifications

Images uploaded to Wellbeing Umbrella are recommended to use the following image specifications and technical requirements:

  • JPEG (.jpeg/.jpg)
  • Store Banner image size (2000 x 700) pixels
  • Store Logo image size (125 x 125) pixels
  • Mobile Banner image size (520 x 250) pixels
  • About Gallery image size (800 x 600) pixels
  • Listing image size (800 x 600) pixels
  • Article image size (1000 x 600) pixels
  • Bio image size (Avatar) (150 x 150) pixels

To figure out the size of your image in pixels:

Mac users – Find the image file in your Finder, right click the image and select Get Info. A pop-up window will open with the dimensions of your image displaying in the More Info section. The dimensions show the pixel height and width of your photo.

PC users – On a PC, right click on the image file, look at Properties, and then view the Summary or Details tab.

You can create the correct image size by inputting the dimensions into a graphic design platform, such as the Canva search bar.  See example below:

Below Standard Image

In the event of an uploaded image not meeting the requirements of Wellbeing Umbrella specification, a temporary image will be uploaded to your listing/store and you will be notified about this via the platform by the Wellbeing Umbrella Team.  See image/s below.

Please note: Temporary listing and banner images are automatically assigned when a store or listing is created for the first time, just upload your own desired image to remove.

Image Standard

Primary/Featured Listing Image Standards:

The primary/featured listing image is displayed in the search results and search pages for product items, appointment/services or events and is the first image that users will see on the listing pages.

  • Primary/featured listing image must be of the product item, appointment/service, or event (including therapy space and venue images) being displayed on our platform.
  • Primary/featured listing image must be in focus, presented clearly, and well-lit.
  • Primary/featured image of the full product, appointment/service, or event (including therapy space and venue images) should fill 85% or more of the image frame.
  • Primary/featured image preferably lifestyle (e.g. imagery that aims to help customers make a connection between your product/service and the lifestyle customers wish to achieve/experience).
  • Backgrounds must be white or a neutral colour.
  • Primary/featured image must not contain additional text, graphics, or inset images.
  • Primary/featured image must not contain a website address.
  • Pornographic and offensive materials are not allowed.


Image requirements: In focus, presented clearly, and well-lit, fill 85% or more of the image frame, Backgrounds must be white or a neutral coloured background
Image requirements: In focus, presented clearly, and well-lit, fill 85% or more of the image frame, Backgrounds must be white or a neutral coloured background



  • The images must be of, or relate to, the product, appointment/service, or event (including therapy space and venue images) being displayed on our platform
  • The images must be in focus, presented clearly, and well-lit.
  • Other products or objects are allowed to help demonstrate the use or scale of product, appointment/service, or event (including therapy space and venue images) being displayed on our platform.
  • The product, appointment/service, or event (including therapy space and venue images) and props should fill 85% or more of the image frame.
  • Cropped or close-up images are allowed.
  • Backgrounds and environments are allowed.
  • Images containing text and graphics are allowed.
  • Pornographic and offensive materials are not allowed.

All product items must be of the items you have for sale, not stock images. Using your own images ensures that items are accurately represented and not a duplication of others on the site.


Cropped or close-up images are allowed
Cropped or close-up images are allowed

Images containing graphics are allowed
Images containing text are allowed
Images containing text are allowed

Handmade Items

  • Listing images must be of the finished product made by you.
  • Images must accurately reflect the product item that you are being displayed on our platform. However, examples can be used to represent the finished product item.

Items Made With Production Assistance

  • Items produced with production assistance, listing image(s) must be of the finished product item or an image issued by the production partner that accurately represents the product item.
  • Store Users are responsible for ensuring that these images properly represent the finished product item.

Personalised or Made to Order Items

  • Items that cannot be photographed because it is personalised or made to order, we ask that you use examples of similar previous work that you have created.
  • Store Users must give the most accurate idea of what their custom-made items will look like when finished.
  • Store Users must use the listing description to accurately detail the item being displayed on our platform.

VIDEO: How to Set a Sale to a Product or Service on Your Store

Learn How to Easily Set a Sale to a Product or Service on Your Store on the Wellbeing Umbrella Platform!

Got a product or service listing you’d like to schedule a sale on? This video walks you through how to achieve this. Use the timestamps below to jump to a part most relevant to you.

0:00 – How to access listings

0:35 – How to schedule a sale price on a listing

1:40 – How a sale displays on a listing for a customer and how they can search for a sale

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VIDEO: How to Add a Video to Your Listing

Learn How to Easily Add a Video to Your Listing on the Wellbeing Umbrella Platform!

Want to virtually display a product, show people around your therapy room or explain how a service works? Using video on your listing is a great way to do that. This helpful video walks you through how to achieve just this. Use the timestamps below to jump to a part most relevant to you.

0:00 – Introduction

0:30 – How to access listings

1:00 – How a listing looks before adding an offsite video

1:40 – How to add an offsite video to your listing

2:50 – How a video on your listing looks to customers

3:00 – The benefits of videos on your listings

3:50 – Content standards and length

Please make sure your video is in accordance with our Content standards found on our Acceptable Use Policy – HERE

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VIDEO: How to Add Videos to Your Articles (Blog)

Learn How to Easily Add Videos to Your Articles (Blogs) on the Wellbeing Umbrella platform!

Want to add a video to your article/blog or prefer to vlog rather that write? This video walks you through how to quickly add an offsite video to your article/blog. Use the timestamps below to jump to a part most relevant to you.

0:00 – The benefits of blogging

0:40 – How to access your article/blogs

1:10 – How short description works

1:50 – Article/Blog Focus Keywords

3:20 – Where your article/blog can be found by customers on the Wellbeing Umbrella

5:10 – How to add an offsite video to your article/blog

Please make sure your video is in accordance with our Content standards found on our Acceptable Use Policy HERE.

Thanks For Watching!

VIDEO: How to Add Audio Samples to Your Listing

Learn How to Add Audio Samples to Your Listing in Wellbeing Umbrella!

Are you selling something that involves audio on the site, such as a guided meditation or sound healing music and want to add an audio sample to your listing? This video walks you through how to achieve this. Use the timestamps below to jump to a part most relevant to you.

0:00 Introduction

0:26 How to access your listings

0:42 How to add an audio sample to a listing

2:46 The benefits of using audio samples on your listing

3:22 How it looks and plays to customers

3:35 Suggested length of an audio sample

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VIDEO: How and Where Customers Can Leave You a Store Review

Learn How and Where Customers Can Leave You a Store Review – Wellbeing Umbrella!

This video tutorial walks you through how customer can view and provide your store with a review. Plus how you approve store reviews to your store front. Use the timestamps below to jump to a section most relevant to you.

0:00 Where store review ratings are visible on your store front

0:30 How customers can view and access the store review tab

2:00 How customers can leave you a store review

2:55 How to access and approve your store reviews

***Please note store reviews are different to listing reviews, which are carried automatically and approved by Wellbeing Umbrella

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VIDEO: How to Use the SEO Tab on Store Listings

Learn How to Easily Use the SEO Tab on Wellbeing Umbrella

Want to improve the SEO and visibility of your listings? Want to get found off the Wellbeing Umbrella site too? This video walks you through how to achieve this. Use the timestamps below to jump to a part most relevant to you.

0:00 introduction

1:10 The benefits of checking out Claire Taylor’s mini SEO Training video

2:00 How to complete the primary/focus keyword section

2:56 How to complete the meta description

4:00 Where a meta description is visible on the internet

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VIDEO: Store Setup Guide (using the store wizard) – On The Wellbeing Umbrella Platform

Store Setup Guide (using the store wizard)

Learn How to Easily Setup Your Store on the Wellbeing Umbrella Platform! This video walks you through the process of setting up your store through wizard set up, use the timestamps to jump to parts that are most relevant to you.

0:00 – How to begin store set up

1:25 – Add store banner, mobile banner, logo, store address and description

3:45 – Set up how to get paid (function not currently available)

5:40 – Store Policies

7:00 – Customer support (how you’d like customers to get in touch with you)

7:45 – Add your social media network handle addresses

8:45 – Get ready and start displaying your listings

VIDEO: How to Access Your Store Dashboard (Store Manager) – On The Wellbeing Umbrella

How to Access Your Store Dashboard (Store Manager)

This video will show you how to access your store dashboard called ‘Store Manager’ if you are logged into your store account. This video also quickly covers the two different dashboards; your own personal customer dashboard and store dashboard.

VIDEO: ‘Wellbeing Categories’ Tab Explained – On Wellbeing Umbrella

‘Wellbeing Categories’ Tab Explained

Customers searching Wellbeing Umbrella are in need of wellness support, yet may not know what products or services can help them.

The ‘wellbeing categories’ tab on your listing helps them better understand this when searching! This video walks you through how to use the ‘Wellbeing Categories’ listing tab and identify the right categories for you.

VIDEO: ‘Product Policies’ Tab Explained – On The Wellbeing Umbrella Platform

‘Product Policies’ Tab Explained

This video explains how the general store polices are also pulled through to your product polices on the site. How to access store or listing policies on the platform. Plus how to add or amend your product listings, so applicable to the product/service being sold.

VIDEO: ‘Listing Options’ Tab Explained – On The Wellbeing Umbrella Platform

‘Listing Options’ Tab Explained

This video helps to ensure your listings are appropriately searchable to customers within the platforms filters. E.g. whether your listing is downloaded, face to face, online etc., or whether it is suitable to men, women, family etc. Watch the video to learn more!

VIDEO: ‘Location’ Tab Explained – On The Wellbeing Umbrella Platform

‘Location’ Tab Explained

This video explains the importance of the ‘Location’ tool in helping to get you found on the platform and how to use. Use the timestamps below to jump to parts of the video that are most relevant to you.

0:00 – What the location tab is for and its importance

1:20 – How to access the ‘location’ tab on your listings

1:25 – How to complete the location tab

3:40 – How your location is used on the platform by site users

5:00 – How to display/update your location on a listing within the ‘Event’ Tab – (function not currently available)

VIDEO: How to Edit Your Profile – On The Wellbeing Umbrella Platform

How to Edit Your Profile 

This guides you through what the ‘Edit Your Profile’ section houses and how to use it. Watch the video to learn more.

0:00 – How to access ‘edit your profile’ menu tab

0:47 – Personal section: bio image & description (Used for blog/articles) & personal details

1:24 – Address section: billing address and shipping address

1:52 – Social Media section and where they are displayed on your store

2:52 – Membership section: your subscription entitlement & upgrade your account (function not currently available)

3:37 – Verification Section: how to upload insurance and/or professional body documents (function not currently available)

5:00 – Additional Information: business location address to be displayed on store, shop colour scheme and VAT details

VIDEO: How to Complete ‘About Section’ – On The Wellbeing Umbrella Platform

How to Complete ‘About Section’ 

0:00 – How to access the ‘About Section’

0:57 – About gallery – what they are and how they are displayed on your store

1:37 – About video – how to embed a YouTube video

2:52 – About Section – how to add your ‘our story’ and ‘more about us’

3:42 – About Section cont. – how to complete information needed for the ‘browse a provider’ page

VIDEO: How to Setup or Edit Store Settings – On The Wellbeing Umbrella Platform

How to Setup or Edit Store Settings

0:00 – What is in store settings and how to access it

1:00 – Store section: store name (and how to change it), store contact details, logo, banners, store description and store visibility

3:30 – How to hide your store address and/or map

4:05 – Location section: where to add store address information and store location

4:45 – Payment section: what is housed in this section (function not currently available)

5:48 – Shipping section: how to enable shipping, processing time (function not currently available)

6:30 – SEO section: where to add or amend your store description for Facebook or Twitter platforms

6:50 – Store policies section: where to update or add your policy information and where they are displayed

7:30 – Customer support section: contact details where customers can get in touch

8:10 – Store hours: how to enable/disable store opening times, how to disable/enable purchasing, set daily store hours (function not currently available)

9:38 – Vacation mode section: how to enable/disable vacation mode, how to enable/disable purchasing of products/services while on holiday and how to leave a customise message on your store (function not currently available)

VIDEO: How To Register Your Business – On The Wellbeing Umbrella Platform

How To Register Your Business 

So we’ve given you the thumbs up and would love you to join the Wellbeing Umbrella Platform, now it’s time to register for a store account! This video walks you through the registration form and process to becoming one of our newest members. Watch the video to learn more.

0:00 – Join us process you’ve been through

0:30 – Registration form: User name

1:08 – Registration form: Verify your email address

1:45 – Registration form: Personal details

1:50 – Registration form: Store name

3:00 – Registration form: Contact details

3:08 – Registration form: Business Address (Location)

3:55 – Registration form: Business insurance & Professional Body Certificate (function not currently available)

5:10 – Registration form: VAT details

5:18 – Registration form: Store User Terms & Conditions

5:40 – Membership package plan overview & Payment (function not currently available)

Information And Images Needed To Create Your Wellbeing Umbrella Store

Exciting Times Ahead!

Whether you’re awaiting approval to our Wellbeing Umbrella Platform or would like an idea of what to have ready before you make yourself at home in your store, we thought we would share with you some of the information you will need when creating your store user account and your listings, so you have all your images, links and information ready for when you start.


  • Avatar An image that will accompany any articles/posts you write. Image size is 150 x 150 pixels.
  • Personal Profile (Bio) – You can include information up to 500 characters and your personal profile will be displayed below any articles/posts you write on the Wellbeing Umbrella Platform.
Avatar Image & Bio Description
(Avatar Image & Personal Bio Description)
  • Social Media Links – Get your links ready for any Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, You Tube, LinkedIn, Google plus, Snapchat and Pinterest accounts you may have.
(Where social media links will display on your store)

YourAbout’ Section

  • ‘About’ Gallery – You can display up to 6 images in the about section. Image size is 800 x 600 pixels.
  •  ‘About’ Video – You can display a You Tube video here, by copying the relevant embedded code. (This can be found by clicking the share button below your You Tube video and choosing the embed option).
  • Your Story – You can include information up to 1500 characters to tell your story or journey and attract customers by explaining your why.  Think of why you came into business or why what you do is so important to you.
  • Your Business – You can include information up to 1500 characters to explain more about your business and what it offers.
(Your ‘About’ page displays your ‘About’ Story, Business, Image Gallery & Video)
(Your ‘About’ section gives you the opportunity to share your story and more about your business)


  • General Settings – Store name, e-mail and phone number

Store Brand Set Up

  • Image for your Store Logo – Image size is 125 x 125 pixels.
  • Image for your Store Banner – Image size is 2000 x 700 pixels.
  • Image for your Mobile Banner – Image size is 520 x 250 pixels.  This will be visible when someone views your store from a mobile.

(Store logo, Store banner & Store mobile banner sizes)
  • Store Description – You can include information up to 500 characters for your main store description, this will appear on your store page below your banner.
(Where your store description will be displayed on your store)


(Your policies section enable you to display your shipping policy, refund policy, cancellation, return, and/or exchange policy)


  • Daily Basis Opening & Closing Hours – The hours each day Monday – Sunday that you will be open.

Wellbeing Umbrella

Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved

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